The Excel Import Template Document

The excel import template consists of different sheets:

  • Retail items: For the items that will be imported.
  • Retail groups: For retail groups that will be imported.
  • Retail department: For retail departments that will be imported.
  • Customers: For customers that will be imported.
  • Vendors: For vendors that will be imported.
  • _LookupValues: This is a sheet for the lookup data in other sheets. Do not change anything on this sheet.

Once a template has been fetched, the template can be populated with data either by manually entering data or by copying and pasting columns of data from other systems.

The Excel template has a few simple rules:

  • The column’s top line has the field name as it is in the data table. Each name has a color that specifies if the field is required or optional.
  • Red columns are required to always contain data; an example would be ITEMID on Retail Items.
  • Blue columns are only used when importing variant items.
  • Orange columns are required to contain data when inserting new records, while it is optional when updating records.
  • Black columns are not required to contain data.

Some of the fields in the Excel document have a drop-down box where you can choose from valid enumerations for the given field. Other fields are filtered on maximum counts of letters or on numeric data types.

All fields of the Excel document


Last updated: April 2021
Version: LS One 2021